Mobile app
With the IFSO-EC 2024 mobile application, you have the opportunity to increase your interactivity and have the entire Congress Programme and other important information “in your hand.”
Especially the possibility:
- to find useful information on: Scientific programme, Social events, Partners and exhibition, Venue and hosting city of Vienna
- to create your own personal programme
- to send questions to speakers through the button "Questions to Speakers" this will send the question to the iPad and the chairperons of the session can decide which questions will be put to the speakers
- to vote for your favourite team during European Championship session on Friday 3 May;16:30-18:00; Grand Klimt Hall 2+3
- or to communicate to any of the registered and logged in participant through the "Networking" button
Scan the QR code below to download the IFSO-EC 2024 mobile application for Android and iOS or find it on App Store or Googleplay under the name IFSO-EC 2024: